Daylio is the name of a free habit-tracking app that I find really helpful.
Every day you do your daily check-in, you customize activities and then check them off if you do them that day. Easy as that.
The best part is that the app generates statistics based on your entries. You can look at different activities and moods on a calendar, a chart, and more! ooohhhhhh color-coordination! Such fun!

You can see which days you are most consistently happy, and which days you are more often sad (probably Mondays, amirite!?) Weirdly for September so far I seem to be saddest on the weekends?
In addition, you can look at data about how your mood correlates to the activities you do. For example, you may discover that on bad days, you frequently eat junk food. Of course, who knows if you’re eating junk food because you’re feeling bad or if you’re feeling bad because you’re eating junk food? It’s correlation, not causation.

With this super fun app, you can work on improving good habits, eliminating bad habits, and becoming more aware of how your activities affect your mood and vice versa. Huzzah!
and now I can check my little ‘writing’ bubble AND my ‘blog’ bubble for today!